On Friday last week, a ransomware cyberattack dubbed WannaCry began infecting thousands of PCs around the world. At last tally, it had locked up an estimated 300,000 computers in 150 countries. It is the latest in a long line of ransomware exploits, which encrypt a users’ data and holds it hostage until you pay up — in this case, the […]

Why the Latest AWS Outage Provides Familiar Lessons
The dust has settled on the latest major Internet outage — this one due to problems with Amazon Web Services S3 cloud storage — and we’ve all moved on with our daily business. These things happen, right? Yes, unfortunately, they do. But we still ought to learn a couple of important lessons from it and get smarter […]
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How to Protect Your Business from the Rise of Ransomware
The latest reports about global cyberthreats are alarming. Ransomware is on the rise, and small and mid-sized businesses are the victims. Incidents of ransomware, which holds your data hostage until you pay up, increased a shocking 167 times in 2016. That’s 167 times (not 167 percent), from 3.8 million attack attempts in 2015 to 638 million in […]

Simple Steps to Combat Weak Passwords
A new policy from Microsoft highlights a critical cyber security vulnerability: weak passwords. Microsoft announced earlier this year that it will no longer allow users to rely on passwords that have poor strength. If you’re logging in with your Microsoft Account or Azure AD credentials, your password will need to meet higher security standards. Are […]

Solution Powering Echopath Wins Quality Award- Again!
Asigra recently won TechTarget’s Storage Magazine Quality Award for the top enterprise backup and recovery software for the second consecutive year. According to an article from TechTarget, Asigra blew away the competition by earning 6.66 points in overall ranking for enterprise data backup. Commvault, the runner-up, was a five time winner of this award, proving […]

News Release: National Tech Award Goes To Indianapolis Company
Indianapolis-based Echopath Wins 2015 Best Cloud Backup and Recovery Competitive Takeout Award INDIANAPOLIS– Echopath, LLC, an Indianapolis-based IT service provider specializing in data backup and recovery, won the 2015 Best Cloud Backup and Recovery Competitive Takeout Award for North America. The award was presented by Asigra at the 8th-Annual Asigra Global Partner Summit in Toronto, […]