Ransomware, like the massive WannaCry cyberattacks earlier this year, is likely here to stay. It may not be headline news every week, but it’s out there. Click on the wrong link, download the wrong file and zap — cybercriminals now hold your data hostage. A lot of organizations pay up — which, of course, is […]

Why the Latest AWS Outage Provides Familiar Lessons
The dust has settled on the latest major Internet outage — this one due to problems with Amazon Web Services S3 cloud storage — and we’ve all moved on with our daily business. These things happen, right? Yes, unfortunately, they do. But we still ought to learn a couple of important lessons from it and get smarter […]
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The Single Most Common Mistake in Data Backup Processes
Most companies we talk to understand why it’s important to implement regular, systematic data backup processes. You don’t have to be an IT expert to acknowledge the value of protecting the data your business relies on. Many even acknowledge the common sense of the 3-2-1 Rule of Backup: Have at least three copies of your data; Store the copies on […]

How to Protect Your Business from the Rise of Ransomware
The latest reports about global cyberthreats are alarming. Ransomware is on the rise, and small and mid-sized businesses are the victims. Incidents of ransomware, which holds your data hostage until you pay up, increased a shocking 167 times in 2016. That’s 167 times (not 167 percent), from 3.8 million attack attempts in 2015 to 638 million in […]

The True Cost of Downtime Without a Disaster Recovery Plan
Everyone knows they should have a disaster recovery plan for their business. Yet, it often gets shunted to the bottom of the To Do list. There are many reasons for this, but one underlying factor is that organizations tend to miscalculate the risk. There are two parts to this: underestimating the likelihood that a significant IT outage […]

Protect Your Mobile Workforce from the Unexpected
In today’s crowded business atmosphere, a mobile workforce can make your company more competitive. But just having a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy is not enough. Can you fully account for what’s used out in the field? When employees use mobile devices for their work while on the go or at home, it’s easy to lose track. […]