Does your office or facility suffer from network issues? You are not alone. Unless your company hired a professional to carefully create a network strategy, intermittent problems will almost certainly occur. Networking requires a certain level of specialized knowledge, as well as the right hardware. Many customers who come to us are relying at the […]
IT Strategy
5 Guiding Principles for Planning a Practical IT Strategy
Technology has woven itself into nearly every aspect of business today, powering organizations’ productivity and competitiveness. Despite IT’s important role, many organizations never get around to planning a real IT strategy of any kind. And as a result, IT infrastructure becomes hard and costly to maintain, and incapable of adapting to business needs. (We’ve touched on this before in our […]
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How to Protect Your Business from the Rise of Ransomware
The latest reports about global cyberthreats are alarming. Ransomware is on the rise, and small and mid-sized businesses are the victims. Incidents of ransomware, which holds your data hostage until you pay up, increased a shocking 167 times in 2016. That’s 167 times (not 167 percent), from 3.8 million attack attempts in 2015 to 638 million in […]
How Strategic Is Your IT Plan?
How will your organization use information technology in 2020? That question was once the stuff of science fiction, but now it’s just three years away. While technology can change quickly, there’s no excuse for not having sketched out what kind of technology your business will likely need next year, three years and even five years down the road. But a […]
2017 Tech Trends Digest
The New Year is upon us, and with it comes forecasts and predictions for the year ahead. What technology trends will impact your business in 2017? We’ve been keeping an eye out for the most authoritative and relevant analysis of IT topics. Here is a digest of what we found that should be on your radar—they […]
Prepare for the Internet of Things: Six Ways Strong IT Management Helps
The world is being transformed by the Internet of Things. As Internet-enabled smart devices proliferate, sensors embedded in everything from industrial machinery to household items and cars are connecting to each other and sharing data with little to no human assistance. The potential benefits of IoT technology are extensive. These networks of devices could dramatically boost productivity and provide businesses with new insights […]