With companies continuing to gravitate towards IT managed services to improve their IT operations, understanding what companies are looking for will help IT consultants customize services and satisfy their clients.
In a recent study commissioned by Microsoft, companies were asked their preferences regarding managed services. Their compiled statistics on IT managed services may interest you.
Backup and Disaster Recovery
Whether a company has made budgetary cuts or simply has overlooked their data backup plan, the ramifications of a disaster can put a business in an extremely vulnerable state. In Microsoft’s recent study, companies undoubtedly chose backup and recovery as the #1 managed service. Interestingly, The Wall Street Journal also reported startling statistics from an NTT Communications survey stating that 90% of respondents only spent 5% of their budgets or less on their disaster recovery plans. Although many companies understand the need for a disaster recovery plan, it is apparent they may not fully understand the risk of disruption.
Mobile is Growing as a Managed Service
As the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) movement is growing, companies ranked the importance of application tools third and the management of mobile services fourth overall. This shows that companies promoting this movement are aware that implementing security measures for mobile technology is of great importance.
Outsourcing IT services lets companies focus on what is truly important, their business. These services can be easily customized and quickly implemented. Does your company need mobile application and disaster recovery solutions? What IT managed services would benefit your company?