You probably keep hearing about disaster recovery being important for businesses of all sizes, yet you still keep putting it off because you’ve never experienced a disaster. You probably also brush off any disaster recovery plan because you’re too busy trying to stay competitive in your industry.
What you don’t know is that both disaster recovery planning and your competitiveness go together in an unexpected way. They work together because overly competitive businesses are especially vulnerable in disasters. This happens as a result of how much downtime you experience if your company headquarters was destroyed or the power goes out.
In a competitive business, even one day of downtime could mean a major downfall as a result of everything grinding to a halt. While some businesses could possibly survive 10 days of downtime, your company may not be so lucky. It may never recover and shut its doors forever.
Don’t take that chance. You don’t need to do a lot for good disaster recovery. There’s a few simple steps to to prepare at yourself for the worst:
1: Start utilizing the cloud!
The cloud gets you back on your feet quickly with the ability to you can access all your data in anywhere you have an Internet connection. The cloud made disaster recovery planning much easier because you can put any kind of data there, including your phone system. When the cloud is properly managed and monitored, it’s value increases because you won’t have to worry about security threats.
2: Find an IT managed services provider!
If the cloud is recovery, then managed services are prevention. With this service, a team of IT professionals watches over your systems remotely to make sure nothing is wrong. Many cloud security misconceptions have arisen in the last year. However, a lot of that has to do with lack of monitoring- which should never be a problem with a good provider. They work quietly in the background to come up with solutions to keep your business IT running efficiently while creating safeguards to withstand disasters. Along with vigilant security, having managed services in place ensures that you have a team protecting your data at all times.
Obviously, not everything can be prevented though– especially natural disasters. Combining management and the cloud, however, gets you ready if your business is vulnerable. Make sure that your company is prepared for the worst. Be aware of what’s happening in your systems and always backup your data to a reliable server so you can keep your competitive edge in tact!